A Good Night Sleep with BuyBuyBaby|Motorola Baby Monitor + Hatch Baby Review

When we first found out that we were pregnant with our second baby we were ecstatic! We started to plan, prep and figure out what we were going to do with the bedrooms in our home and how to prepare Ezra to stepping into the role of a big sister.  We started potty training, moving in to her big girl room and finally, into a big girl bed. For most of these transitions Ezra did great and now we just had to wait for the biggest transition, becoming a big sister!


Baby Monitor : Motorola Baby Monitor Review

When we brought home our sweet baby girl Isla, we knew that one day we would not only need a monitor for both of the girls rooms, but one that had video and a could reach a good distance. The monitor we currently had would constantly cut out and lose connection after you went farther than 5 feet. Very frustrating!

We began searching for a video monitor and had quite an extensive list of what we were looking for. Having to use this monitor for 2 children and already been through the ringer with a ‘half-working’ one, we knew that it would be worth it to invest in a quality monitor that we knew we could depend on.

Baby Monitor Checklist:

  • Wifi Connection
  • Long Range of Distance
  • Video / 2 Cameras
  • Speak option
  • Battery Life

We made our way out to buybuy BABY in Langley, where we came across the Motorola® 5-Inch HD Video Baby Monitor with Wifi and Two Monitors, this one stood out right away! First because it came with TWO cameras and secondly that it had WiFi, which meant it could be accessed almost anywhere! (Such an added bonus, especially if you have a newborn or are a nervous nelly like me when you leave your kids at home haha!)


We ended up going home with the Motorola Monitor and I couldn’t wait to set it up! Being able to see and hear both girls all night long and not worry, we were in for a good night’s sleep and everyone in the family was excited about it. The first night went great, Isla woke up once to nurse and Ezra slept through the night. There was a moment where Ezra tossed and turned, but  taking a quick peek at her and seeing that she was tangled in her blanket allowed Mackenzie to quickly go in when she look a little bit rested, untangle her and tuck her back in, then slip out quickly.


Later that week we also had a chance to go out for a date night – something we hadn’t done in forEVER, and while we were out, we had the comfort of being able to check in on the girls through the Hubble App on our phones. (This App also has a zoom feature – crazy!)

At the end of the day, this will always be the right choice for us because we were in need of a monitor that had two cameras, Wifi because soon we will both be at work during most days and lastly, the range that this monitor has is amazing.

Sound Machine : Hatch Baby Review


The other I found helpful, especially when transitioning your little one into a ‘big kid’ bed or in our case, switching seasons, is the Hatch Baby. We chose this sound machine for Ezra because we finding that it was challenging for her to stay in her bed until it was a decent hour to get up. (Unfortunately the sun comes up at 5AM in the summer and Ezra assumes it is time for breakfast haha)

If your child is old enough to understand bedtime and routine, I would really encourage you to bring them with you and explain to them what the Hatch Baby is before purchasing. Let them play with it, touch it and try out the different colours and sounds. Something that is being brought into their room that is going to change colour and make sounds can be a big change for them.


Why we chose Hatch Baby:

  • Has an OK-to-wake function
  • Can control it from your phone
  • Soothing sounds and colours
  • It’s simple
  • All the controls are hidden
  • It’s pretty and neutral – fitting in to any nursery decor

Hatch baby is one of those products that are so simple to use that even your toddler will know how to work it! It is accessible from your phone, can play a variety of relaxing sounds, create presets for bedtime, dinner time and other notifications and also create a completely custom colour for your little one to really make it their own.


Ezra is one of those toddlers who likes organization, routine and being told what to do – even though it feels like half of the time she disregards this completely. This is why bringing the Hatch Baby into her routine was perfect! I think that the Hatch Baby will be something that we use with Ezra until she outgrows this final stage of transferring into her big girl bed and then use it through and through with Isla, reaching each milestone of dreamland and conquering it with a soothing sound, warm hue and just the right touch to help her rest easy.

buybuy BABY Nursery+Baby Registry + One-on-one Customer care


If you are in the market for a monitor or a sound machine, I would suggest making your way over to a buybuy BABY near you, their staff were so helpful when we were trying to decide and answer any questions about why A was better than B etc. Did you know that buybuy BABY’s in-store experts offer FREE one-on-one personal shopping appointments and are available to answer questions and help parents shop for everything they’ll need. buybuyBABY also offers an amazing assortment of items from top brands, for every style and budget, I really appreciated this about buybuy BABY with myself being on Maternity leave and my husband being the only source of income, you can imagine that our finances are not very high at the moment and I know that a lot of parents are usually in this boat, wether it be their first or third child.


If you are interested in finding out more and keeping up to date on exclusive sales and in store deals, make sure you sign up for their email list to always be in the know! Wether it be for you or someone you know who is expecting, their amazing staff is always ready to help and put together something beautiful to welcome your little bundle of joy into this world.

If you have any questions that I didn’t cover in this post, please reach out and ask! I would love to help you also achieve a better night’s sleep with the comfort of knowing your little one is sleeping safe and sound.

Take care,



This post was sponsored by buybuy BABYCa. All text and opinions are my own.

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